About Me

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I'm a Christian, finding my identity in Jesus Christ.

Friday, May 21, 2010


What a funny name for such a funny looking instrument.

Picture it.

Picture the oboe.

Now picture a llama.

Picture the llama playing the oboe.

Intriguing isn't it?

Have a nice day.

Random act of the day: singing and dancing in the car the whole way back to omaha listening to fireflies by owl city over and over
Song listening to: none. watching a terrible movie with friends.
Comment question of the day: What's your favorite instrument?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

I had a dream!

Alright so last night I had the weirdest dream.
You might not think it's weird.
But I do...

So..I had a lot of crazy dreams last night but this one stuck out in particular.

I was back in college for the summer. They had decided to start up early so we could get done early. However, my college was being held in my high school. And at the last second, our group that went to Croatia a month ago, decided we were going to go back because we had some extra cash. (Who knows where the extra cash came from.) I pack up all my stuff in a hurry because it was literally the last second I found out. We were leaving just a couple hours after they told me. So I am running around getting my things together at the college. And then it's time to go to the airport. Oh look! It's also at my high school (or my college in my dream.)
And I am running through security and get all the way to the gate in a rush when I realize I don't have my driver's license. I call my parents and tell them to find it and bring it to me. As I wait for them to get there, I keep running around the school looking for it.
They finally show up and security escorts me to the front to get it from them. My mom gives me some random guy's license and I'm like, "Mom, this isn't mine." Shes like, "I know. We couldn't find yours so we figured this one would work just fine." I look at it. "Mom! It's got a guy named David on it and he doesn't look anything like me!" "Oh you'll be fine. They won't notice."
So I start freaking out and I ask them how much time I have until the plane leaves and they say a half hour. So i decided I was going to drive home and look for it. I run to my car and as I am about halfway home I realize it's in my purse in my locker at school. So I drive back. And the rest of my dream is me consistently running and running and running.
I wake up out of breath. I seriously felt like I had just ran a marathon. It was really frustrating.

I know that that dream wasn't very interesting. But it was weird to me. Especially since I really wanna go back to Croatia and that was my chance lol and because I woke up out of breath. Stupid dreams..

Random act of the day: waking up lol
Song listening to: Candlelight by Relient K
Comment question: What's a weird dream you had that you'll always remember?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


I'm sitting in my bathroom at home right now typing this.
Why am I in the bathroom you ask?
......I don't really know.
I was doing my hair and then decided to write a blog.

Something new with me:
Get a Life project has begun! (GALP)
I officially, along with help, have begun to get a life which means I am finding myself again; remembering what I am good at, finding new things I am good at, getting hobbies, doing more than just sitting on the computer, watching movies, or hanging out at the guys' house. I am so tired of apathy and I am so tired of video games! No more! Therefore, I am getting a life. And honestly, it's working out well so far. It's only been like 2 days, but still. I feel more energetic and like myself again already. Woot!

I also had an interview at American Eagle yesterday. I don't really know how else to explain it but that it was weird. The manager wasn't very happy to be there and she was very monotone, and the setting of the interview was out in the open with loud music so we had to yell to answer her, and I sucked at the ending activity which was to put together an outfit. But oh well. I think it went well otherwise. Cross your fingers for me! I work at VS right now but it would be nice to have another job.

Now that I think about it...won't having another job interfere with my get a life project???

My friend Sarah and I are also going to have llama death matches. Stay tuned for that blog.

I started my online class today. I hate it already. I'm taking Biology along with a lab and it's difficult for me because I can't just read something and learn that way which is basically what everything is. I can already tell that I am not going to get a good grade :(.

I am home currently. I decided to be spontaneous and come home for 3 days since I didn't have to work. The bf wasn't too thrilled with that, however, I needed to see some people here. I'm pretty excited. My friend Troy doesn't know I am here so I am going to go surprise him at his work.


(Sarah I am going to copy you)
Random act of the day: Danced in Scooters
Song listening to: TGIF by The Secret Handshake
Comment question of the day: What is something you have always wanted to have as a hobby or be good at?


Sunday, May 16, 2010

First blog.

This is my first blog.
I'm not quite sure what to put here though.
I have so many things on my mind that I don't even know where to start.
How do I say what's on my mind without sounding like I am bashing on people?
How do I say what's on my mind without being a total downer and complainer?
How do I say what's on my mind without sounding like I am gossiping?

I am low.

And I am not sure what to do about it.